
“Warning: Enter The Corporate Coliseum Unprepared At Your Peril”

equip yourself for modern “leadership warfare”

Leading in 2024 can feel more like stepping into the Coliseum than into a boardroom. Good luck to the unsuspecting and under-armed gladiator.


Today’s leaders are faced with a myriad of complex challenges that test their resilience, adaptability, and ethical compass. 


Modern leaders aren’t likely to get cut down and left to die in the sand. 


But the dangers we face feel no less urgent…over-use of mind-altering chemicals, behavioral addictions (technology, p0rn, food, etc.), ulcers and early heart attacks, divorces and estrangement from kids just to name a few.


The dominant challenges range from compliance complexities, where adhering to regulations and laws is paramount, to generational staffing challenges, to the nuanced ethical considerations that underpin every decision in our increasingly interconnected world. 


Like it or not, we are operating in a “cancel culture”, where public perception and social responsibility weigh heavily on corporate and personal reputations. Making decisions from a place of fear is a great way to become lion lunch.


The ubiquitous “what have you done for me lately” business culture demands immediate and consistent results. Successfully surviving this gauntlet while maintaining moral and strategic integrity is no small win.


And we must figure out how to cultivate a work culture that is not only safe and enriching but also resonant with the values and aspirations of generationally-diverse work forces


Where can a modern day gladiator get the training they need to survive in today’s Corporate Coliseum?

The Limitless Leadership Academy (LLA) dawns as a training ground for emerging leaders navigating turbulent waters, especially for individuals grappling with specific, pressing challenges.


Sharpen your sword and pick up your shield before stepping into the arena.

The Big Promise from LLA…


Graduates will walk away from this leadership experience having been delivered from the often crushing pressure of leading in the modern culture.

They will be able to enjoy a fulfilling professional and personal life without sacrificing their minds and bodies to chemicals, impossible schedules and/or chronic sleep deprivation.

They will interact with the world from a place of confidence and ease rather than conflict and terror.

And, ultimately, they will execute at a higher level, providing steady and predictable value to their teams and organizations.



Who Is Limitless Leadership Academy For?


  1. Diamond-in-the-rough emerging leaders who will be superstars with the right polishing.
  2. Stalled mid-level leaders, such as Managers and Directors, who are desperate to have a bigger contribution to their organization, industry and world.
  3. Disempowered physicians who feel trapped in a catastrophically flawed medical system and see their choices as leaving medicine, living with soul-crushing professional disappointment or suicide.
  4. Disenchanted attorneys who are just trying to stockpile enough cash so they can burn their pin-striped suits and permanently step into flip flops.
  5. Frustrated HR executives who are fed up with senior leadership not taking culture creation seriously.
  6. Overloaded entrepreneurs who have hustled their way to success and realize grinding themselves down is not sustainable.
  7. Distressed leaders who are motivated to manage their stress without abusing booze or other dangerous solutions.
  8. Drowning clinical directors and senior leaders in Mental Health organizations that are realizing, too late, there was NOTHING in their training that prepared them for leadership.


Who Is Limitless Leadership Academy NOT For?


  1. Newly promoted managers who are more interested in showing how smart they are than learning.
  2. Rebellious executives who are being dropped off to become “someone else’s problem”.
  3. Discontented managers who are on auto-pilot, counting the days to retirement.
  4. Grouchy bosses who are invested in being miserable and spreading their misery.
  5. Disaffected bureaucrats who have a choice between coaching and termination.


Limitless Leadership Academy is a 6 month commitment.  In The Academy you will:


  • Learn the 5 Principles of Limitless Leadership at your own pace through a comprehensive video course. This course includes a series of brief, focused videos by the founder of LLA, Clay Cutts, LCSW, and lays out the foundation for The Academy and sets you up for maximum learning.


  • Deepen your mastery of the 5 Principles of Limitless Leadership on bi-weekly coaching calls. These are live, interactive working sessions where you can ask your questions and hear your classmates ask theirs. Hearing others receive coaching is often AS valuable as receiving your own coaching since you will often get answers to questions you didn’t realize you had.


  • Extend your growing proficiency of what it means to become a Limitless Leader during the required quarterly Intensive Weekends. These 2-day sessions take place in Atlanta and include significant learning, deep coaching and group work. Live, in person sessions are where professional friendships are formed and great connections are made


  • Consistently harvest the brain power of your talented and successful colleagues (as well as LLA faculty) in a students-only private forum. This is where you will ask questions, offer/receive support and celebrate wins. Momentum is key…and this forum is a critical tool in building and maintaining that momentum.


  • Take your learning to the next level through private coaching calls (2 during the 6 month enrollment) with LLA founder, Clay Cutts, LCSW. These calls are a no-holds-barred, nothing-off-limits opportunity to dig out the peskiest nuggets that are getting in the way of your massive transformation.


  • Continue to sharpen your blade with auxiliary assignments including books, videos, movies, written exercises and other possible tools.